Default contact mapping

Contact data is often transferred from third-party systems, which in some cases requires contact mapping.


There are two different types of contact mapping:

Default contact mapping (documented on this page)
Standard contact mapping configurations have approximately this form:

  • <Mapping> <Map Source="lastNameSource" Target="Person_LastName" /> </Mapping>

XML contact mapping ()
XML contact mapping configuration have about this form:

  • <ContactMapping> <ContactItemXPath>Contact</ContactItemXPath> <ContactElement id="Person_LastName">lastNameSource</ContactElement> </ContactMapping>

For these mapping types, different names must be used for the contact target fields.

Address providers, which use the default contact mapping:

The mapping functionality behind the default contact mapping is documented in Mapping.

All possible contact target fields are listed below.

  • Person

    • Person_LastName

    • Person_FirstName

    • Person_Title

    • Person_SecondName

    • Person_NickName

    • Person_Initials

    • Person_Birthday (Date, e.g. 2023-01-24)

    • Person_Profession

    • Person_Position

    • Person_SalutationShort

    • Person_Salutation

    • Person_Greeting

    • Person_Picture (Base64 encoded image)

    • Address

      • Person_Street

      • Person_CareOf

      • Person_Apartment

      • Person_Floor

      • Person_City

      • Person_ZipCode

      • Person_PostOfficeBox

      • Person_PostOfficeBoxCity

      • Person_PostOfficeBoxCity_ZipCode

      • Person_Country

      • Person_CountryShortCode

    • Communication

      • Person_Language

      • Person_Mobile

      • Person_Homepage

      • Person_PhoneDirect

      • Person_EmailDirect

      • Person_FaxDirect

  • AdditionalPerson

    • AdditionalPerson_LastName

    • AdditionalPerson_FirstName

    • AdditionalPerson_Title

    • AdditionalPerson_SecondName

    • AdditionalPerson_NickName

    • AdditionalPerson_Initials

    • AdditionalPerson_Birthday (Date, e.g. 2023-01-24)

    • AdditionalPerson_Profession

    • AdditionalPerson_Position

    • AdditionalPerson_SalutationShort

    • AdditionalPerson_Salutation

    • AdditionalPerson_Greeting

    • AdditionalPerson_Picture (Base64 encoded image)

  • Company

    • Company_Name

    • Company_Supplement

    • Company_Department

    • Company_Picture (Base64 encoded image)

    • Address

      • Company_Street

      • Company_CareOf

      • Company_Apartment

      • Company_Floor

      • Company_City

      • Company_ZipCode

      • Company_PostOfficeBox

      • Company_PostOfficeBoxCity

      • Company_PostOfficeBoxCity_ZipCode

      • Company_Country

      • Company_CountryShortCode

    • Communication

      • Company_Language

      • Company_Mobile

      • Company_Homepage

      • Company_PhoneDirect

      • Company_PhoneCentral

      • Company_EmailDirect

      • Company_EmailCentral

      • Company_FaxDirect

      • Company_FaxCentral

  • Option

    • AddressType (Value CompanyAndPersonData, CompanyData or PersonData)

    • AddressTypeOption (Value Business or Private)

    • AddressingType (Value To, Cc or Bcc)

    • PersonOverFirm (Value true or false)

    • CountryView (Value true or false)

    • CountryCodeView (Value true or false)

    • CapitalizedCity (Value true or false)

    • CompanyView (Value true or false)

    • SalutationView (Value true or false)

    • SalutationSeparateLine (Value true or false)

    • SecondNameView (Value true or false)

    • PositionView (Value true or false)

    • InterneAddress (Value true or false)

    • ShowProviderLayout (Valuetrue or false)

  • AddressProviderData

    • AddressProviderData_Id

    • AddressProviderData_Name

    • AddressProviderData_Updated (Date, e.g. 2023-01-24)

    • AddressProviderData_Published (Date, e.g. 2023-01-24)

    • AddressProviderData_Label_Type (Value text or html)

    • AddressProviderData_Label_FormattedString

    • AddressProviderData_Label_ParseAddressData (Value true or false)

    • AddressProviderData_ProviderResponse

    • AddressProviderData_Link_Type (Value VCard or WebPage)

    • AddressProviderData_Link_Href

  • ExtendedField
    The names of ExtendedFields can be chosen freely. Below are some examples:

    • ExtendedField_Field1 (creates ExtendedField Field1)

    • ExtendedField_CustomerNumber (creates ExtendedField CustomerNumber)

    • ExtendedField_MaritalStatus (creates ExtendedField MaritalStatus)

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