
The formatting is normally only attached to the style template. Here the buttons are configured in "Formatting" in the OneOffixx Word ribbon. Each button can be assigned a style. In addition to the predefined buttons, you can store any number of additional styles that can be selected via a dropdown (CustomStyles).

The buttons are activated in the ribbon as soon as the document function of the template is attached. As the document function is attached to the style template, it is inherited towards the bottom. Consequently, the buttons are activated in each template.


<DocumentFunction> <Group name="{Groupname}"> <Definition type="{Type}" style="{Style}" /> <Definition type="{Type}" style="{Style}" /> </Group> </DocumentFunction>


Group name


Group name



(Chapter) headings


Indentations / Tabs


Enumerations numeric, alphanumeric and character


Behavior with numerical enumeration


Set style information: if no style is specified, word's own styles are used.


Custom listing of styles


  • level defines the heading level (1 to 4).

  • maxListLevels defines from how many levels to jump back to the 1st level.

  • style corresponds to the style name in the style template.

  • type specifies the type of the definition (see example configuration for possible types).


<DocumentFunction> <!-- Parameterization of the headings --> <Group name="Headings"> <Definition type="Heading" level="1" style="Heading 1" /> <Definition type="Heading" level="2" style="Heading 2" /> <Definition type="Heading" level="3" style="Heading 3" /> <Definition type="Heading" level="4" style="Heading 4" /> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the tabulators --> <Group name="Indents" maxListLevels="4" /> <!-- Parameterization of lists, enumerations and numbering --> <Group name="NumberingStyles"> <Definition type="Numeric" tabPosition="1" style="ListNumeric" /> <Definition type="Alphabetic" tabPosition="1" style="ListAlphabetic" /> <Definition type="Bullet" tabPosition="1" style="ListBullet" /> <Definition type="Line" tabPosition="1" style="ListLine" /> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the numbering options --> <Group name="NumberingBehaviors"> <Definition type="Increment" style="ListNumeric" /> <Definition type="Decrement" /> <Definition type="ResetChapter" style="Heading 1" /> <Definition type="ResetList" style="ListNumeric" /> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the formatting options --> <Group name="Styles"> <Definition type="Standard" style="Normal" /> <Definition type="Bold" style="" /> <Definition type="Italic" style="" /> <Definition type="Underline" style="" /> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the further formatting options --> <Group name="CustomStyles"> <Category id="Headings"> <Label>Headings</Label> <Definition type="Title" style="Title"> <Label>Title</Label> </Definition> <Definition type="Subtitle" style="Subtitle"> <Label>Subtitle</Label> </Definition> </Category> <Category id="Various"> <Label>Various</Label> <Definition type="Emphasis" style="Emphasis"> <Label>Emphasis</Label> </Definition> </Category> </Group> </DocumentFunction>

In the CustomStyles group, labels can be translated into all languages. The XML element Label is used for this purpose.

Deactivating buttons

The individual buttons can be disabled via the configuration. For this purpose, the attribute disabled="true" can be attached to various elements. Example where all buttons are grayed out:

<DocumentFunction> <!-- Parameterization of the headings --> <Group name="Headings"> <Definition type="Heading" level="1" style="Heading 1" disabled="true" /> <Definition type="Heading" level="2" style="Heading 2" disabled="true" /> <Definition type="Heading" level="3" style="Heading 3" disabled="true" /> <Definition type="Heading" level="4" style="Heading 4" disabled="true" /> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the tabulators --> <Group name="Indents" maxListLevels="4" disabled="true" /> <!-- Parameterization of lists, enumerations and numbering --> <Group name="NumberingStyles"> <!-- none --> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the numbering options --> <Group name="NumberingBehaviors"> <!-- none --> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the formatting options --> <Group name="Styles"> <Definition type="Standard" style="Standard" disabled="true" /> <Definition type="Bold" style="" disabled="true" /> <Definition type="Italic" style="" disabled="true" /> <Definition type="Underline" style="" disabled="true" /> </Group> <!-- Parameterization of the further formatting options --> <Group name="CustomStyles"> <!-- none --> </Group> </DocumentFunction>


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