E-Mail Signature

This document function is attached to e-mail signature templates only. The configuration specifies when the signature should be used and whether campaigns and disclaimers should appear.

For more general information about Outlook signatures, see the Best Practices for Outlook.

Default scenario: External and internal signature

In many cases you want an automatic switch between internal and external signature depending on the recipient. For this purpose, two templates of type "Signature" are created, to each of which this document function is attached.

External signature

  • Appears at the beginning when a new message is created.

  • Campaign and disclaimer are added if they exist and are released.

Configuration (see below for explanations):

<Configuration> <Domains>*</Domains> <Accounts>*</Accounts> <IsDefault>true</IsDefault> <IsDefaultReply>true</IsDefaultReply> <HasCampaign>true</HasCampaign> <HasDisclaimer>true</HasDisclaimer> </Configuration>

Internal signature

Configuration (see #Configuration for explanations):

<Configuration> <Domains>example.com;example.org</Domains> <Accounts>*</Accounts> <IsDefault>false</IsDefault> <IsDefaultReply>false</IsDefaultReply> <HasCampaign>false</HasCampaign> <HasDisclaimer>false</HasDisclaimer> </Configuration>

Other scenarios

Depending on the requirements, some are not covered by the above scenario with the two templates "Signature external" and "Signature internal". Here are some other possibilities listed:

  • No alternative signature for internal communication: In this case, the internal signature from the above scenario can simply be omitted.

  • Display internal signature at the beginning when a new message is created: Set <IsDefault>true</IsDefault> for the internal signature and <IsDefault>false</IsDefault> for the external signature (the same applies to IsDefaultReply if applicable).

  • Departments have different internal or external signatures: To cover this, simply create multiple (external/internal) signatures. Each signature must be enabled for the corresponding users (or for the department) in the permissions.

Care must be taken that for each user finally (in each language) only exactly one external (and if necessary additionally one internal) signature is released. If two external signatures are enabled for a user (in one language), it is not technically defined which one should now be used.







Here you can define which e-mail domains all To-recipients must have for the signature to appear.

  • External signatures: These contain an asterisk (*), which means that the signature will be selected for all domains if no internal signature applies.

  • Internal signatures: These contain domains here. Multiple domains are separated by semicolon (;) (e.g. example.com;example.org).

Important: Each user must have one external signature template (with *) shared per language for sure. Otherwise the template is missing for the automatic switch to which is switched if all internal signatures do not apply.


Here you configure for which e-mail account types the signature is used. Allowed are: SMTP, POP, IMAP and EXC (Exchange). An asterisk (*) means that the signature is used for all account types. Multiple types are separated by semicolon (;).


If true: This signature will be used when creating a new e-mail message.
Important: Each user may have only exactly one signature template shared per language with IsDefault set to true.


If true: This signature will be used when replying or forwarding an e-mail message.
Important: Each user may only have exactly one signature template shared per language with IsDefaultReply set to true.


If true: If a campaign exists, it will be appended, see "Campaign" below .


If true: If a disclaimer exists, it will be appended, see "Disclaimer" below.

The primedocs signature management is designed to take control of signatures. Therefore, there must always be one signature template (shared with the user) with <IsDefault>true</IsDefault> and one with <IsDefaultReply>true</IsDefaultReply>, which can also be the same signature template.

Signature composition

In e-mail messages, in addition to the signature, a campaign and a disclaimer can be inserted. The order is always as follows:

  1. Signature

  2. Campaign

  3. Disclaimer


Campaigns have their own template type: the Outlook campaign. For a campaign to appear, the following conditions must be met:

  • The active signature has <HasCampaign>true</HasCampaign> configured.

  • The campaign is enabled for the user in the permissions.

  • The campaign is available in the active language.

  • At least one of the "active from" or "active to" dates is set.

  • The "active from" date is in the past, is the same as today's date, or is not set.

  • The "active until" date is in the future, corresponds to today's date or is not set.

Example 1: A user has 1 campaign with the priority "High" and 3 campaigns with the priority "Medium" enabled → the campaign with the priority "High" appears.
Example 2: A user has 2 campaigns with priority "Medium" and 1 campaign with priority "Low" enabled → it is not defined which of the "Medium" prioritized campaigns should appear.

If several campaigns with different priority are released, the one with the highest priority will appear. The user has the possibility to choose between the released campaigns.


Disclaimers have their own template type: the Outlook disclaimer. For a disclaimer to appear, the following conditions must be met:

  • The active signature has <HasDisclaimer>true</HasDisclaimer> configured.

  • The disclaimer is enabled for the user in the permissions.

  • The disclaimer is available in the active language.

Other document functions on signatures

In addition to the document function "E-mail Signature", other document functions can also be used on e-mail signatures.

PrimeSoft AG, Bahnhofstrasse 4, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland