Document generation
The Document Engine is the centerpiece of primedocs. It is used on the server as well as in the client and creates the corresponding document from the requested template and the additional "Connect" data.
Step 1
In the first step, the data and the configuration are loaded. The configured document functions are called accordingly in the "Processing step". The "Connect functions" page lists all document functions that can be parameterized via the Connect interface.
Step 2
Then the actual document is generated. In addition, it is checked whether subtemplates are still attached to the template. If subtemplates are configured, they will be inserted according to the condition and order.
More information about subtemplates can be found here.
Step 3
If "Connect commands" were defined, these will now be run. This allows the generated document to be converted to a PDF or saved to a network drive, for example. The individual commands are called in sequence. At the end, the finished document is returned to the caller.
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