The UserDefinedAddressprovider can be used by the users to configure their personal, local addresslists in the recipient dialog. The configurations exist only for the user and are stored locally in OneOffixx's appdata directory. The following file types are supported:
csv (with
as separator)
Example configuration
<!-- User defined AddressProvider -->
<AddressProvider id="5f4865d3-9d7e-47bd-846d-546f7f7dd0ad" order="7" active="true">
<ContactElement id="Company_Name" />
<ContactElement id="Company_Supplement" />
<ContactElement id="Company_Department" />
<ContactElement id="Company_Street" />
<ContactElement id="Company_City" />
<ContactElement id="Company_ZipCode" />
<ContactElement id="Company_PostOfficeBox" />
<ContactElement id="Company_PostOfficeBoxCity" />
<ContactElement id="Company_CountryShortCode" />
<!-- If Country ShortCode is mapped, Country is ignored and mapped according to the provided code. -->
<ContactElement id="Company_Country" />
<ContactElement id="Company_PhoneDirect" />
<ContactElement id="Company_PhoneCentral" />
<ContactElement id="Company_EmailDirect" />
<ContactElement id="Company_EmailCentral" />
<ContactElement id="Company_FaxDirect" />
<ContactElement id="Company_FaxCentral" />
<ContactElement id="Company_Mobile" />
<ContactElement id="Company_Homepage" />
<ContactElement id="Greeting" />
<ContactElement id="Language" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Title" />
<ContactElement id="Person_LastName" />
<ContactElement id="Person_FirstName" />
<ContactElement id="Person_SecondName" />
<ContactElement id="Person_NickName" />
<ContactElement id="Person_BirthDate" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Profession" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Position" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Street" />
<ContactElement id="Person_City" />
<ContactElement id="Person_ZipCode" />
<ContactElement id="Person_PostOfficeBox" />
<ContactElement id="Person_PostOfficeBoxCity" />
<ContactElement id="Person_CountryShortCode" />
<!-- If Country ShortCode is mapped, Country is ignored and mapped according to the provided code. -->
<ContactElement id="Person_Country" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Phone" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Email" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Fax" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Mobile" />
<ContactElement id="Person_Homepage" />
<ContactElement id="SalutationShort" />
<ContactElement id="Salutation" />
<!--<ContactElement id="Provider_ID" />
<ContactElement id="Provider_Name" />
<ContactElement id="Provider_Updated" />
<ContactElement id="Provider_Published" />
<ContactElement id="Provider_AddressLabel" />
<ContactElement id="Provider_URL" isText="true" />
Is Legacy and has been Replaced with UserDefinedField in version 3.7.1 (still works for compatibility uses but is not supposed to be used anymore)
<ContactElement id="ID" /> -->
<ContactElement id="UserDefinedField" />
<ContactElement id="ExtendedField_Field1" />
<ContactElement id="ExtendedField_BriefInhalt" />
Every ContactElement
defined in the configuration can be linked to a column in the selected file. For details about ContactMapping
see XML contact mapping.
Search fields
The following search fields are provided in the UserDefinedAddressProvider:
The search fields are static and can not be modified. Exception: Search field Userdefined
takes the name of the linked column as its label.
The values entered in the search fields are searched in the columns that are assigned to the ContactElements
. The search fields are set active only if the corresponding ContactElement
is linked to a column from the file.
Assignment search field → ContactElement
Company →
Firstname →
Lastname →
Street →
ZIP code →
City →
Country →
Userdefined →
ID is legacy and should not be used in OneOffixx versions higher or equal3.7.1
- only exists for compatibility reasons.
Usage of ExtendedFields
The UserDefinedAddressProvider supports the so called ExtendedFields
. They can be added to the configuration as <ContactElement id="ExtendedField_Title" />
and are then available for usage in the mapping configuration. ExtendedFields
can be used for variable texts in multiletters or to pass a field which is not available in the recipient's default-fields (e.g. the person's marital status). For details about the ContactMapping
see XML contact mapping.
Configuration in the recipient dialog
The selected datasource can be edited by selecting the cogwheel-symbol in the searchmask. If the selected datasource is [New]
, a new configuration will be created.
Name: Name of the datasource
File: File to be used. The file can be seleted by either klicking on the button and choose via the Windows File Explorer or by entering the path in the input field directly (supports environment variables such as
).Headers: Defines if the file has column titles or not.
Mapping: Configuration for the datamapping file → recipient. In the column "field", all
defined in the AddressProvider configuraion are listed. In the column "Column" there can be selected one column present in the file for each field.
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PrimeSoft AG, Bahnhofstrasse 4, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland