Cobra Adress Plus

Cobra Adress Plus


The client-side Cobra Address Plus address provider is deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead, use the server-side Generic SQL Provider.


<AddressProvider id="F3D23EE5-F722-4082-842C-1168F7FDF1B8" order="1" active="true"> <!-- Connection string for cobra database --> <ConnectionString>{ConnectionString}</ConnectionString> <!-- Query for the Search --> <QueryNormal> ('{company}' = '' OR COMPANY1 LIKE '%{company}%' OR COMPANY2 LIKE '%{company}%') AND ('{lastName}' = '' OR LASTNAME0 LIKE '%{lastName}%') AND ('{firstName}' = '' OR FIRSTNAME0 LIKE '%{firstName}%') AND ('{street}' = '' OR STREET0 LIKE '%{street}%' OR STREET1 LIKE '%{street}%') AND ('{plz}' = '' OR ZIP0 LIKE '%{plz}%' OR ZIP0 LIKE '%{plz}%') AND ('{city}' = '' OR CITY0 LIKE '%{city}%' OR CITY0 LIKE '%{city}%') </QueryNormal> <QueryCustom>{columnName} like '%{searchText}%'</QueryCustom> <QueryPhone> MOBILEPHONE0 like '%{phoneNumber}%' OR FAX0 like '%{phoneNumber}%' OR FAX1 like '%{phoneNumber}%' OR PHONE0 like '%{phoneNumber}%' OR PHONE1 like '%{phoneNumber}%' OR DIRECTPHONE0 like '%{phoneNumber}%' OR PRIVATEPHONE0 like '%{phoneNumber}%' </QueryPhone> </AddressProvider>

PrimeSoft AG, Bahnhofstrasse 4, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland