Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes

From the Lotus Notes databases, the addresses are made available via Ategra or Magermann web service as address providers in OneOffixx. For each database, Ategra sets up a web service that can be accessed.

The address provider must be set up in the Global Configuration, whereby the URL of the web service must be known and, if special search parameters are required, these can be configured.

The address provider supports both Windows Auth and Basic Auth.

<AddressProvider id="6EA5E6E3-1329-4B02-8779-0952C1119A15" order="8" active="true" hiddenIfNotAvailable="true"> <Uri>http://{host}/appl/KAI/KAI_DEV.nsf/KAIaddressProvider?OpenWebService</Uri> <Namespace>urn:oneoffix.ategra.com</Namespace> <UserName>{username}</UserName> <Password>{password}</Password> <!-- <WindowsUser>{WindowsServiceUser}</WindowsUser> --> <Title>KAI Adressen TEST</Title> <SearchParameters> <SearchParameter Name="companyName" Label="Firma" Type="String" /> <SearchParameter Name="LastName" Label="Name" Type="String" /> <SearchParameter Name="FirstName" Label="Vorname" Type="String" /> <SearchParameter Name="Street" Label="Strasse" Type="String" /> <SearchParameter Name="ZipCode" Label="PLZ" Type="String" /> <SearchParameter Name="City" Label="Ort" Type="String" /> </SearchParameters> </AddressProvider>


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