XML Schema

XML Schema

A "OneOffixxConnectBatch" includes one or more "OneOffixxConnect" or "Entries". The "OneOffixxConnectBatch" element can contain "Settings" and "Commands", which globally affect all "entries" or enable separate functionalities (such as merging documents).

The "OneOffixxConnect" (the connect file) describes concretely a document generation or document change call. Template selection data, i.e. the relevant template or language, is set via the "Arguments". Document data can be passed via the various document functions. The document functions are identified by the "id" of the "Function" element.

<OneOffixxConnectBatch> <Settings /> <Commands /> <Entries> <OneOffixxConnect> <Arguments /> <Function id="x" /> <Function id="y" /> ... </OneOffixxConnect> </Entries> </OneOffixxConnectBatch>


The namespace for OneOffixx Connect is


whereas the last number corresponds to the major version. The minor version is in the Global Settings (Key="Version" Value ="XXX").

OneOffixx Connect Batch

Contains a batch list with OneOffixx Connect structures. One OneOffixx Connect corresponds to one OneOffixx document.

Globals settings


This structure contains a key/value list with Global Settings. These settings are copied to the OneOffixx Connect structure during processing.

OneOffixx knows the following settings:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <OneOffixxConnectBatch xmlns="http://schema.oneoffixx.com/OneOffixxConnectBatch/1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Settings> <Add key="KeepConnector">true</Add> <Add key="CreateConnectorResult">false</Add> <Add key="CreateConnectorResultOnError">true</Add> </Settings> <Entries> </Entries> </OneOffixxConnectBatch>

These settings have the same function as the corresponding command line parameters. If specified, they override the command line parameters.

Only if a TemplateId is specified, a result file is created after generation. If the result file should also be created for tag specifications, there is the possibility to use the CreateConnectorResult command.

Global commands

This structure contains commands that affect the whole document list (e.g. Merge Document).


"Entries" corresponds to a list with documents or with connect calls.

OneOffixx Connect

The OneOffixx Connect structure corresponds to a document. Each document can be equipped with arguments, commands and document functions.

Document functions ("Function" in XML) enrich the document with data and are optional. Each function is identified by its unique id.

Via "Commands" the generated document can be processed further and thus e.g. be stored in a specific location.


To validate or check a connect file, the process call with the parameter "/ValidateConnector" can be used. Example call:

It should be noted that the connect file is not processed here, but checked. In productive operation, constant validation is not recommended for performance reasons.


The following is the full XSD, which is also used in validation:


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