ARTS Integration

ARTS Integration

In this document function the upload of documents to the universal archive ARTS can be configured by Uptime Services AG. Using the key combination ALT + i or with a click on the button "Extras" → "Save in ARTS DMS" the document will be stored in ARTS.

As shown in the example below, in addition to the location of the ARTS, different upload tool arguments can be configured to be included when uploading to the archive. The configuration in the document function looks as follows (partially in German):

<ARTSConfiguration> <Command type="shell"> <Uri>N:\Arts\products\ARTSCmdTool\bin\ARTSCmdTool.app\ARTSCmdTool.exe</Uri> <Arguments> <Argument name="-archive" /> <Argument name="-silent" /> <Argument name="-instanceName" elementId="CustomElements.PuM.getInstanceName" connector=" "></Argument> <Argument name="ARCHIV" /> <Argument name="-u" quotes="true">{file}</Argument> <Argument name="-a" /> <Argument name="Name" elementId="Name" connector="=" quotes="true" /> <Argument name="Vorname" elementId="FirstName" connector="=" quotes="true" /> <Argument name="Geburtsdatum" elementId="GebDatum" connector="=" quotes="true" /> <Argument name="Geschlecht" elementId="Geschlecht" connector="=" quotes="true" /> <Argument name="Bezeichnung" elementId="ARTSDocName" connector="=" quotes="true" /> <Argument name="Geschäfts-Nr" connector="=" quotes="true">0</Argument> <Argument name="Datum" connector="=" quotes="true">{date}</Argument> <Argument name="Klassifizierung" elementId="Classification" connector="=" quotes="true" /> <Argument name="Dossiertyp" elementId="Dossiertyp" connector="=" quotes="true" /> </Arguments> </Command> </ARTSConfiguration>


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