Microsoft Graph

User data in Azure Active Directory can be read via the MicrosoftGraphSyncSource. The following properties are provided by Microsoft Graph:

  • id

  • faxNumber

  • employeeId

  • userPrincipalName

  • aboutMe

  • city

  • companyName

  • country

  • department

  • displayName

  • givenName

  • jobTitle

  • mail

  • mailNickname

  • mobilePhone

  • mySite

  • officeLocation

  • postalCode

  • preferredLanguage

  • preferredName

  • state

  • streetAddress

  • surname

  • userType

  • accountEnabled

  • birthday: If present, the date is returned as ISO 8601 date.

  • businessPhone: In Microsoft Graph, multiple phone numbers can be stored under the businessPhones property. To allow easy mapping, the first phone number is provided as businessPhone.

  • onPremisesExtensionAttribute1 - onPremisesExtensionAttribute15: To allow easier mapping, the 15 onPremisesExtensionAttributes are provided as direct properties (onPremisesExtensionAttribute1 etc.).

  • photo: The user image is provided as photo.

For a description of Microsoft Graph properties, see the Microsoft documentation.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <UserSyncConfig> <MicrosoftGraphSyncSource name="AzureAD" queryKey="OneOffixxIdentifier"> <Claims> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="preferredName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="displayName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="givenName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="surname" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mail" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mySite" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="businessPhone" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="streetAddress" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="postalCode" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="country" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="city" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mobilePhone" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="department" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="companyName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="userPrincipalName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="state" /> <Claim type="" property="photo" /> </Claims> </MicrosoftGraphSyncSource> </UserSyncConfig>


The MicrosoftGraphSyncSource supports the following mapping format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <UserSyncConfig> <MicrosoftGraphSyncSource name="AzureAD" queryKey="OneOffixxIdentifier"> <ResultMapping> <Mapping> <Map Source="displayName" Target="PropertyX" /> </Mapping> </ResultMapping> <Claims> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="preferredName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="displayName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="givenName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="surname" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mail" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mySite" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="businessPhone" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="streetAddress" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="postalCode" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="country" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="city" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mobilePhone" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="department" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="companyName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="userPrincipalName" /> <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="state" /> <Claim type="" property="photo" /> </Claims> </MicrosoftGraphSyncSource> </UserSyncConfig>

The target is a value that must correlate with the property parameter of a claim. Details and configuration examples can be found here: Mapping.


PrimeSoft AG, Bahnhofstrasse 4, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland