

User data from a CSV file can be read via the CsvSyncSource.

Here it is required that the CSV file has headers and that there exists a column which provides unique values for user synchronization.

Mapping is supported as well.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <UserSyncConfig> <CsvSyncSource name="Csv" queryKey="OneOffixxIdentifier"> <FilePath>\\Share\Users.csv</FilePath> <Delimiter>;</Delimiter> <!-- Column name for user lookup --> <KeyColumnName>sid</KeyColumnName> <!-- Optional: Prevents "stale" data to be synchronized --> <TreatFileAsStaleAfterHours>24</TreatFileAsStaleAfterHours> <!-- Optional: Result Mapping Syntax is supported --> <ResultMapping> <Mapping> <Map Source="email" Target="fromMappingEMail" /> </Mapping> </ResultMapping> <!-- Claim Mapping - column names are property names--> <Claims> <Claim type="http://schema.oneoffixx.com/ws/2011/01/identity/claims/displayName" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="displayName" /> <Claim type="http://schema.oneoffixx.com/ws/2011/01/identity/claims/email" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="fromMappingEMail" /> </Claims> </CsvSyncSource> </UserSyncConfig>

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