Global printer configuration

Global printer configuration

This function is only available for "classic" templates. You can find more information here.

This document function controls which printers and paper types are available on a global level. In the client, the configuration can also be edited in a window instead of using XML configuration.


<Configuration> <Papers> <Paper Id="AECA0DBD-4C1A-4DD1-8E21-8299319167B2" Logo="false" Color="false" Format="A4" Default="true"> <Name>Normal</Name> <DisplayName>Standard paper A4</DisplayName> <Description>Standard paper for everywhere</Description> </Paper> <Paper Id="FAC3862B-6E3F-4B04-B5BF-B45E486C08E6" Logo="true" Color="true" Format="A4" Orientation="Portrait" Lcid="2055"> <Name>Logo</Name> <DisplayName>Logo paper</DisplayName> <Description>Logo paper (use only without logo)</Description> </Paper> </Papers> </Configuration>

1) Define paper types



2) Assign paper types to printers



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