Embed a font into a Word document
Applies to: Microsoft Word 365
This instruction describes how you can embed a font into a Word document so that a user (e.g. external user) who does NOT have your specific font installed, will still see the document and be able to edit it with the correct font.
Please note: this article only examines a solution plainly in Microsoft Word, not in OneOffixx. This way it also works if the user does not use OneOffixx.
To embed (package) the font(s) in a document into the “[filename].docx” file:
Open the Word document
Click on “File” → “Options” → “Save”
Check “Embed fonts in the file” and “Do not embed common system fonts”.
Press okay and save your file. You will notice that the file size has grown. The larger file size is due to the embedded font.
The above only works if the font has been licenced such that embedding into a Word document is permitted. This is something that needs to be done when purchasing the font originally.
We recommend, if this is an option, using system fonts, as these are automatically available on all users' systems and do not require embedding as described here.
You can also remove an embedded font by de-selecting the checkbox “Embed fonts in this file” and then saving the document. Why would you want to do this? To reduce the file size as some fonts can take up a significant amount of space (if they contain Western Roman characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, and so on…).
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