Release 4.0.2

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4.0.20184.0 (2024-06-10)


  • FIXED[!] The dropdown for the document language in the client no longer filters templates. This means that all templates are now always displayed, regardless of the selected document language. If a template is not available for the language selected in the dropdown, the user is prompted in a dialog to select another available document language.

  • FIXED UI: The inconsistent size of icons in the client, which had changed due to UI customizations, has been corrected.

  • NEW In the template type "Image gallery", a context menu can now be opened via right-click to rename, delete or create a folder for the selected element.

  • FIXED After an image had been exported from a profile, user or OU, the directory in the file explorer in which the file had been saved was locked.

  • FIXED primedocsConnect: Der TemplatePicker zeigte auh classic-Vorlgaen an, obwohl diese für primedocsConnect nicht funktionieren. The TemplatePicker also displayed classic templates, although these do not work for primedocsConnect.

DataSourceAdminApp (Dashboard)

  • FIXED User and OU field definitions could no longer be edited.

  • FIXED The conventional database export with .zip files no longer worked.

  • NEW User Offboarding: now the UserSyncConfig can be configured for users to be automatically deleted after the specified number of days.

  • FIXED The text of a tooltip in the user onboarding settings has been improved.

  • FIXED App-Management; beim Anzeigen der Log-Dateien einer App wird nun immer die Log-Datei von heute standardmässig ausgewählt und nicht mehr diejenige von gestern. App management; when displaying the log files of an app, the log file from today is now always selected by default and no longer the one from yesterday.

  • NEW The new export function via BACPAC introduced as a preview in the previous release is now continued as DACPAC. So it is now possible to export a .dacpac file instead of a .zip file. Such a backup can be imported both via the dashboard and via SSMS / Azure Data Studio. In particular, migration steps are handled better here, which means that this is a more flexible import/export function. This function is a preview in this release as well.

  • NEW The reference to a user/OU checkbox field is now possible again.

  • FIXED User and OU field definitions: An ID may now not contain a number at the beginning (1User.LastName) or at the end of the ID (User.LastName.1).

  • FIXED Importing via Smuggler was faulty and the migration history of a database was deleted during an import. This has been corrected.

  • FIXED Dashboard: A sample configuration for the new AdminApi has been documented.

Document Engine

  • FIXED Fields: it is now much easier to see where there is a JavaScript error in a field when error messages are displayed.

  • NEW primedocs Multiletter (Preview): the user can now generate a document with a collection of objects (e.g. recipients for letters) as a multiletter in primedocs. A PDF is automatically generated for each object and saved in a defined location. This feature will be extended in the future.

  • NEW Forms: Choice fields can now be inserted into a Word template asdropdown content controls.

  • FIXED [!] Client: The dropdown for the document language in the client no longer filters templates. This means that all templates are now always displayed, regardless of the selected document language. If a template is now not available for the language selected in the dropdown, the user is prompted in a dialog to select another available document language.

  • FIXED The error message that appears if a content control already has a DataBinding has been clarified.

  • FIXED primedocsConnect: the ConvertToPdf command resulted in a corrupt generated PDF.

  • FIXED In a generated document, images in Word were incorrectly displayed as Base64 strings.

  • NEW primedocsConnect has been extended.

  • FIXED There were errors when generating documents with primedocs-external content controls with binding.

  • FIXED Forms: the Group attribute translate-Title was displayed in the document language instead of the UI language.

  • NEW Snippets/WordContent: Page breaks in WordContent are now allowed in content templates.

  • NEW Fields: The JavaScript version has now been updated to ECMAScript 6/Jint version 3. This means that JavaScript can now be used with Arrow Functions and generally more functions (.findAll(), .startsWith(), .includes(), .slice(), for...of etc.).

  • NEW Snippets/FormattedText a string with "\t" resulted in showing as " " instead of a tabluator in the document.

  • FIXED Snippets/WordContent: breaks ("\n") were not inserted in snippet placeholders.


  • FIXED PowerPoint: The "Convert design" button has been improved.

  • FIXED PowerPoint: if the read-only mode is activated for a presentation, the primedocs AddIn is now also deactivated.

  • FIXED PowerPoint: if a presentation was marked as "completed", primedocs threw an error.

  • FIXED Word, snippets: the Office action "Undo" now works again.

  • NEW Snippet pane: when right-clicking on a snippet the context menu now shows "Copy Key" if it is a new snippet (WordContent, FormattedText) and "Copy Id" if it is a classic snippet.

  • FIXED Fields: In documents with FormattedText or WordContent fields, paragraphs in or below tables were sometimes “swallowed” or additional paragraphs were added after a document update.

  • FIXED Fields: Various errors were found when a document with WordContent fields was updated, relating to styles and paragraphs changing. This has been corrected.

  • FIXED Editing Excel embedded in a Word document was prevented by an active primedocs Excel add-in.

Outlook (web-based add-in)

  • NEW The automatic setting of the signature has been deactivated for the new Outlook Desktop on Windows because it is currently not technically feasible.

  • FIXED The add-in’s long loading time in the new Outlook App on Windows has been fixed.

  • FIXED The signature templates used the UI language instead of the document language when filtering.

  • FIXED App: an e-mail templates could not be created properly.

Outlook (classic)

  • NEW The "Autosignature" checkbox now retains its value when a new e-mail is saved as a draft or when the window is undocked.

  • FIXED AddIn when e-mail is docked: the "Attach file" button is now "Attach file" with submenu (AttachFileSplit). So it is the same button as when composing an e-mail without primedocs.

  • FIXED Client: If an e-mail was generated via e-mail template for the first time on the day, it didn’t look according to the template. Data enrichment now takes place in the client instead of the AddIn.

  • NEW AddIn: Only e-mail signatures that are approved for the selected profile and available for the selected language are now displayed.

  • NEW The autosignature is now deactivated if the user manually selects a signature.

  • FIXED Due to long loading times of the Outlook (classic) add-in, the primedocs client is no longer started automatically when Outlook is used, but only when a primedocs function is actually used.

  • FIXED The default signature incorrectly replaced the selected signature when a new e-mail was saved as a draft or when the window was undocked.

  • FIXED Domains configured in the "E-mail signatures" document function are no longer case-sensitive.

  • FIXED When replying, the signature for a third-party profile only loaded when the recipient was changed.

App/primedocs web

  • FIXED The text of the "Create document and save in CMI" button has been translated.

  • FIXED In dark mode, the entries in the database dropdown were no longer clearly visible.

  • FIXED The cover image was not displayed on the start page if a specific database was selected.

  • FIXED If many databases were running on the same service, the database could not be changed.

  • FIXED In the new ExistingListDataProvider, the checkbox "First row contains field names" is now activated by default.

  • FIXED Forms: The AdditionalProfiles could not be used with many available profiles.

  • FIXED Forms: The Info element ignored line breaks. This has been corrected.


  • NEW Authentication information can now also be supplied for a Connect call in the connect settings → Connector-UrlPolicies via the Admin Dashboard.

  • FIXED If a connect request did not have an explicit profile ID, an error occurred. Now the selected profile is used as before.

  • FIXED If the global translations were accessed on the server side, there was an OutOfMemoryException.

  • FIXED OneOffixx Connect in the primedocs client had a problem with memory resources.


  • NEW Organizational units can now be managed via the Admin API.

  • NEW Connection to the Active Directory: access to the Global Catalog (GC) has been enabled.

  • FIXED Synchronization did not always work if elements were permanently deleted via Admin Dashboard (entries in HardDelete table).

  • FIXED Security patches of dependencies were imported.

  • FIXED The installer no longer registers the invalid "primedocs-winappauth" protocol.

Identity Server

  • FIXED It was not always possible to log in to primedocs via IdS. An extension has been implemented to repeat login attempts.

CMI Integration

  • NEW [!] The use of a dynamic tenant is now also possible for STS calls.

4.0.20152.0 (2024-03-25)


  • FIXED Problems with loading and starting the app have been fixed.

  • FIXED In the list of all available databases, databases that did not have a name in primedocs.config were displayed as an empty entry. These are now displayed with their ID.

  • FIXED If you changed information in the user or profile, an endless loading process was triggered. This has been corrected.

  • FIXED If you only filled in the "Body" field in an e-mail template (but not Subject, To, Cc or Bcc), Outlook displayed an error message.

  • FIXED The prompt to log in to primedocs in Outlook appears in French, although the UI language was set to German.

  • FIXED The list of all available databases was very confusing for many databases. They are now sorted in the same way as in the DatasourceAdminApp and excess text is truncated correctly.

  • FIXED Address providers:

    • For a search result, "1 results were found." was displayed.

    • The UI element "No results were found." was a button instead of just text.


  • FIXED In the document parameter, the text was cut off at high zoom levels. This has been corrected for accessibility reasons.

  • FIXED In the client, the names of the template types in the German UI language have been corrected.

  • NEW A new address interface is now available in both the client and the app: the "ExistingListDataProvider". It allows users to upload their own Excel files, map the fields and then select Objects from this list to use them in the document.

  • NEW primedocs Connect: On the client side, "Save as" commands can now also be executed and thus automatically generated documents can be saved.

  • FIXED The context menu in the Windows taskbar has been replaced as a UI element with a .NET-based control.

  • FIXED The icons are now fetched from a different source due to compatibility issues.

  • FIXED If all available profiles were shared and there were a large number of profiles (e.g. 4350), this led to long loading times in the client for templates with configured AdditionalProfiles.

  • FIXED Forms: In a Forms dialog with configured additional profiles (AdditionalProfile), the vertical distance between them was too large.

  • FIXED In the template editor of classic e-mail templates, the checkbox for deactivating the signature was incorrectly no longer displayed in the UI.

  • FIXED Recipient addresses: if several server-side address interfaces were available, not all of them were always loaded.

  • FIXEDprimedocs Connect: In the "Data" data function, the entries of an ObjectCollection are now correctly no longer available for insertion in the Word template.

  • FIXED The "UserDefinedAddressProvider" had to be reconfigured each time a document was generated. This has been fixed.

  • NEW Outlook template editor:

    • HTML in the editor is formatted automatically.

    • Improvements have been made to the editor regarding window size depending on the amount of content.

    • The scrolling behavior has been improved.

    • Fields or forms fields can now be used for the four elements Subject, To, Cc and Bcc.

  • FIXED If an e-mail signature that is managed in a rule via the organization is deleted, the rule is deactivated.

  • FIXED primedocs Connect: Templates with an attached data function can now be generated via the client again without errors.


  • FIXED A FormattedText with a Word style or with text that was formatted with the "B" button lost its formatting after updating in the open document.

  • NEW Date-Fields can now be inserted as date content controls in templates and can be referenced accordingly in other fields.

  • NEW It was not possible to search for text modules in the text module bar by entering a key.

  • FIXED If a public snippet was moved to the private or template snippets, its authorizations were not removed.

  • FIXED After updating in an open document, the last paragraph was deleted in a WordContent that contained a table with a paragraph below it.


  • FIXED Document Engine: HTTP links work again in signature templates.

  • FIXED Document Engine: "mailto:" links were lost in signature templates.

  • FIXED The signature was not inserted automatically in classic Outlook. This has been fixed.

  • FIXED If a different signature template was selected, the document language was reset to the default.

  • FIXED Changing the database led to an incorrect user interface.


  • FIXED Table of contents: the wrong document language was shown for spell checking.

  • FIXED Changing the database led to an incorrect user interface.

  • FIXED Changing the document language in the generated document did not work for profile fields.

  • FIXED Any AdditionalProfiles were not shown.

  • FIXED Clicking on "Change layout" triggered an exception for unmapped slide layouts.

  • FIXED Editing SmartArt in a PowerPoint resulted in error messages.

  • NEW The image gallery for PowerPoint templates can now be divided into folders.


  • FIXED If an Excel was saved in protected view, an error was thrown.

  • FIXED Inserting a date format in a cell led to errors.

Common AddIn - Forms

  • FIXED Subsequently changing the document language did not affect the date of a Date field in the document.

  • FIXED The OnlyVisibleDuringGeneration attribute did not work with YesNo and Choice.

  • FIXED YesNo fields with a RequiredValue asked for a ValidationMessage, although one was set.

DataSourceAdminApp (Dashboard)

  • NEW Instead of a .zip file, which can only be imported via the dashboard, you can now export a .bacpac file. Such a backup can be imported both via the dashboard and via SSMS / Azure Data Studio. In particular, migration steps are handled better here, which means that this is a more flexible import/export function. This function is currently a preview.

  • NEW User field IDs and OU field IDs were not validated. Now they cannot be created if the value starts with a number. This means that this is not possible: User.Hello.1, but it is possible: User.Hello1.


  • FIXED Fields: the translate-Format attribute now works for date fields.

  • NEW Fields: Analogous to $.getText an Object/ObjectCollection can now also be retrieved with $.getObject or $.getObjectCollection, respectively.

  • NEW WordContent: Additional content can now be saved: Word bookmarks, text-only ContentControls, bulleted lists with the property "Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style" deactivated.

  • NEW FormattedText: Spaces " " as well as breaks "\n" are now solved differently and are retained.

  • FIXED Fields: The error message that appeared for invalid XML was incorrect.

  • FIXED FormattedText: the<u></u> tag The tag now actually underlines the text (in the generated document or PowerPoint).

  • ! In FormattedText translations, .hasContent is not required anymore. The attribute is therefore no longer available. .hasContent had been added to FormattedText fields to check whether a FormattedText has a text or is empty.


  • General code clean-up work has been carried out.

  • NEW An SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) is now created during the build.

  • NEW When creating the .zip files with the executable installation files, FileHashes are now created automatically.

  • A module that is no longer used (WpfWizard) has been removed.

  • The C# SDK has been updated.


  • FIXED Due to an implementation at CMI, we have changed the CMI upload URL (CMI V 24.0).

Identity Server

  • NEW It is now allowed to work with Entra ID guest accounts.

  • NEW A client registration on "localhost" is now allowed for modern native clients.

  • FIXED A multitenancy with Windows authentication led to errors.

  • FIXED A statement about the license key was logged incorrectly.

4.0.20130.0 (2024-02-06)


  • NEW Outlook: In the "Organization" tab, the "Signature" button now takes you to a dialog where you can add signature rules.

  • NEW Global configurations: The width of the second column can now be customized by users and is saved.

  • NEW Client & Server: The new document function "Data" can now be used to integrate data from external systems in primedocs templates (primedocs Connect).

  • FIXED Generating a template of the type "External file for distribution" resulted in an error message.

  • FIXED Outlook: Templates of the type "Signature" were displayed even outside of the administration view.

  • FIXED Outlook classic: Various template types for classic Outlook were labeled as such.

  • FIXED Template distribution in connection with MailThemes has been optimized.

  • FIXED If the "All users" button was selected in an authorization dialog, "Authenticated users" is now always displayed afterwards.

  • FIXED Signature profiles that have been approved with the option "May use me as co-signer, but without signature image" are now correctly only available for selection in the additional profiles, but not in the profile selection/profile change in the client or in the AddIn.

  • FIXED Diagram templates (*.crtx) for "Doughnuts" can now be imported correctly in templates of type "Diagram".

  • FIXED Creating a mail with the "XmlSpy" program now works again.

  • FIXED When opening the Word editor of a template multiple times, new changes to the template were no longer applied after saving in Word.

  • FIXED The "Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App" framework is now required on the server side.


  • FIXED Connect: Updating a document generated with Connect displayed an error message if ObjectCollections via Fields were in the document.

  • FIXED The snippet dialog now allows 256 instead of 32 characters to define a key.

  • FIXED Snippets of the type "FormattedText" could no longer be inserted by double-clicking after creating the snippet.

  • FIXED An exception has been corrected in PowerPoint/Excel 2016 Pro when creating a new file.

  • NEW In the profile selection dropdown, up to 10 third-party profiles are now displayed next to pinned profiles.

Word AddIn

  • FIXED If the header in a template contained a table and the last element in a table cell was a content control, a profile change in the open document resulted in an error message.

  • FIXED If a WordContent snippets contained a table in the first position, updating the open document failed and resulted in an error message.

  • FIXED Content controls no longer lose their style when the document is updated and no longer receive an additional paragraph.

  • FIXED If a WordContent snippets contained a style in the last paragraph, an additional paragraph was inserted when inserting the WordContent into a document. This has been fixed.

  • FIXED If a former primedocs document (a primedocs document that has been finalized) is linked to primedocs again, the appearing error message now no longer contains any old information.

PowerPoint AddIn

  • FIXED Inserting a SmartArt object into a PowerPoint and then changing the fill color, resulted in an error message.

  • FIXED Displaying a PowerPoint in a slide show and then clicking on the display settings, resulted in an error message.

  • FIXED The "Template editing" group in the ribbon has been better organized because the button names were too long.

  • NEW The template of type "Table of Contents" can now be built better.


  • NEW It is now possible to create signature templates, manage multiple signatures depending on the organizational unit (via the "Signatures" button in the "Organizational unit" tab) and then use them in the new Outlook version.


  • FIXED Outlook: An error message in connection with Connect has been fixed.

  • FIXED Templates were no longer displayed when switching to a different database and could therefore no longer be generated.


  • FIXED In fields, it is now possible to access the result of another WordContent or FormattedText field via $.getWordContent or $.getFormattedText respectively, in the same way as $.getText.

  • FIXED For various built-in styles in Word, e.g. "header" and "footer", various problems in connection with WordContent and FormattedText have been solved. Among other things, all snippets are now "de-localized" (same process as for style templates).

  • FIXED When validating the Fields document function during document generation now recognizes whether two fields with the same name are configured.

  • In Fields, dates are now handled differently:

    • NEW Using $.formateDate(myFormsDate, "dd.MM.yyyy"), you can now alternatively format date objects from Forms.

    • ! FIXED The date value of a date is now accessed using Value (e.g., $("Forms.Date").Value) Together with the functions $.getDate() and$.setDate(), this now allows you to calculate with dates.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED Importing packages caused a problem when sorting template groups.

  • FIXED Importing databases created with a version lower than 4.0.20121 via Smuggler did not work. This has been fixed.


  • FIXED WebAPI/AdminUser: The URL for organizational units was incorrect.

  • FIXED Authorizing an organizational unit and removing these authorizations again, resulted in an error message. This also happened via JobHost.

  • FIXED Service: The synchronization from the client to the database failed if a snippets was overwritten.

  • Dev: Updated to new version of AvalonEdit and Azure.Identity

4.0.20113.0 (2023-12-17)


  • FIXED Word: Two error messages appeared when dealing with mail merges, which have now been corrected.

  • FIXED Outlook:

    • If an e-mail template was generated using the client, primedocs and Outlook crashed.

    • E-mail templates could no longer be generated using the client.

    • Opening the recipient dialog from an e-mail led to errors.

  • FIXED If a global translation was created as FormattedText and the entry contained a lot of text, performance problems occurred.

  • FIXED Forms: the ValidationMessage attribute has been updated in the technical documentation..

  • FIXED Forms: If the Info element was configured without text and TranslateKey, an unclear error message was displayed. This has been improved.

  • FIXED The new template type "PowerPoint table of contents" is now displayed correctly in clients with German UI language.


  • FIXED Word: The data that had been entered in an Object in Forms was no longer loaded in the open document after a profile change.

  • FIXED Word: WordContent snippets with more complex style applications could not be created.

  • FIXED Word: Additional properties can now be used in WordContent (br; Break, multiLine; SdtContentText, SpacingBetweenLines, rStyle, hanging und ind; Indentation, tblPrEx; TablePropertyExceptions).

  • FIXED Excel: The "+ Sheet" button to create a new Excel sheet threw an error if a cell was edited at the same time.

  • FIXED Excel & PowerPoint: The error with the message "An element with the same key has already been added" has been fixed.

  • NEW PowerPoint: The feature for creating PowerPoint templates for tables of contents has been enhanced.

  • FIXED PowerPoint: The "Change layout" button could not be used in the ribbon.

  • NEW PowerPoint: If a PowerPoint template is adjusted to the CI/CD by means of design conversion, the dialog now fills recognized properties into the correct form fields.


  • FIXED On iOS, the upload button extended to the edge and thus overlapped text fields.

  • NEW Messages for information and errors are now highlighted in color.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED In the Policy Editor, the back button no longer took you to the previous page.

  • FIXED The database import via Smuggler did not import changes of permanently deleted objects.

  • FIXED The package import did not import the metadata for modification times (ModifiedBy and ModifiedOnUtc) of templates. As a result, imported templates still had the old timestamp.


  • FIXED If a pinned profile had been unpinned, the initial synchronization failed.

WebApi / DocumentEngine

  • FIXED The use of references on the Global Configurations led to errors in the app.

  • NEW Users can now be created automatically using WebAPI. The correct organizational unit can be assigned to the user and profile shares can be configured.

  • FIXED A security patch has been installed for the HtmlSanitizer Library.


  • NEW The Generic HTTP Provider now supports XML endpoints in addition to JSON (e.g. for Vertec providers).


  • FIXED Clients did not correctly synchronize the permanent deletion of an organizational unit. This meant that organizational units could theoretically not be deleted.


  • FIXED The default sync interval has been adjusted to 12 hours.


  • NEW An interruption of the server no longer leads to the cancellation of the JobHost.

primedocs.config / Server-Installation

  • NEW The IdentityServer license key is integrated by default, but can now be explicitly overwritten via the configuration.

  • FIXED The installation script has been changed.

4.0.20101.0 (2023-11-17)


  • NEW Outlook: There is now the new template type "Email template" (the classic version is now called "Email (classic)"). This means that it is now possible to implement e-mail templates on the web and via Outlook in the new design.

  • NEW Forms: With the new AdditionalProfile element, it is now possible to store signatures and signatures from external profiles in a template in the profile. User-defined names can be used (e.g. "Signer" and "CoSigner").

  • NEW If you go to the advanced search dialog by clicking on the arrow to the right of the search field, you can now search all document functions in all templates in the new "Configuration" text field (e.g. the search with the search term "Forms.MyTextField" shows all templates that contain this text in any document function).

  • NEW Word-Ribbon:

    • Preview images can now be generated when testing a document by clicking on "Generate preview" or "Generate multilanguage previews" for language-dependent preview images in the primedocs ribbon in the "Templating" group.

    • In the ribbon Developer tools, group "Templating" you get to the dialog "Developer tools". There is now a new tab "DocData - WordStyles", which lists all StyleIds and StyleNames. This is useful for using FormattedText and FormattedText translations to look up the correct StyleId.

  • FIXED Forms:

    • If you created an Info element without text and without translation, an exception was thrown in the editor and the document could not be generated. Now at least one of the two must be filled out in Info.

    • If you created an AdditionalProfile without a label, an exception was thrown in the editor and the document could not be generated.

    • The dialog ignored different screen resolutions for display. Now it is scaled correctly.

    • In the Group, the Translate-Title attribute now shows the available translations.

  • FIXED UI: In the dialog for managing third-party profiles, it is now better displayed whether a third-party profile is pinned or not.

  • FIXED The address provider "Nest" has been renamed to "innosolv" in the UI.

  • FIXED PowerPoint: If an empty placeholder for text was placed in a master template, it lost its formatting when the presentation was generated.

  • FIXED Templates of the type "PowerPoint slide set template" could not be opened in the editor without mapping. This has been fixed.

  • FIXED PowerPoint: Performance has been improved when typing and switching slides.


  • NEW PowerPoint: The button for generating a table of contents is now only displayed if the corresponding PowerPoint table of contents template exists.

  • NEW Word: If the Word template is open and you create a new field in the Fields document function and save this, this new field is now automatically visible in the field list of the template - without having to close and reopen the template!

  • NEW PowerPoint: The "Check slide" and "Design Conversion" functions are now displayed in the same group in the UI.

  • NEW PowerPoint: Users can now have tables of contents created automatically in PowerPoint, with primedocs searching for the slide headings and specifying the corresponding number of slides.

  • FIXED Word (classic): If you clicked on "Change signature", nothing happened. This function now works again.

  • FIXED Word Ribbon-UI: The buttons for switching back and forth between recipients now have clearer icons.

  • FIXED Word: More properties can now be used in WordContent (rsidRPr; TableRow, ascii/hAnsi; RunFonts).

  • FIXED Word/FormattedText: If the document was updated, new paragraphs were inserted in FormattedText fields.

  • FIXED Word/FormattedText: If the document was updated (e.g. via confirming the properties dialog or changing the profile), some styles were lost.

  • FIXED Word: If a Forms field of type AdditionalProfile was in a group, it was not possible to access the properties dialog again in the generated document.

Document Engine

  • NEW Forms fields of type AdditionalProfile can now be queried in Fields via let profile = ("Forms.MeinAdditionalProfile");. In this way, it is now possible to find out whether the user has selected a profile in the Forms dropdown or not (("Forms.MyAdditionalProfileMyAdditionalProfile) !== null).

  • FIXED As soon as a FormattedText field was in a table, the specified style no longer applied correctly.

  • FIXED If a FormattedText field was in a table cell and its content was a string "", Word could no longer handle it and the document could not be generated.

  • FIXED A FieldBuilderStep timeout error has been fixed.

  • FormattedText translations

    • NEW Error messages for FormattedText translations (handlebars) are now displayed in as many cases as possible with a concrete reference to the corresponding field.

    • ! Handlebars in the form of "{{{" may not be used.

    • FIXED The attribute word-style-id did not work with built-in styles.

    • ! FIXED Builder API: with the hasContent property in FormattedText translations, the content in the handlebar control structure ({{ if meineVariable.hasContent }}) is only inserted if the parameter in the JavaScript code is a FormattedText and not empty ("").

  • JavaScript:

    • NEW JS error messages are now output in as many cases as possible with a concrete reference to the corresponding field.

    • FIXED The function $.wordContent.fromFormattedText() only accepted string literals and no references to variables. This has been corrected.

    • ! FIXED The function $.formattedText.fromText("MeinText") no longer generates too many paragraphs.

    • NEW With the new Builder API, different fields or field types (Text, FormattedText and WordContent) can now be strung together. Example in a FormattedText field: $.formattedText.getBuilder().append($.formattedText.fromText("MeinText")).append($.translations.getFormattedText("MeineFormattedTextÜbersetzung")).build();

    • FIXED If a Key was specified for a WordContent or FormattedText snippet, this must now be a string literal in the code.

  • FIXED FormattedText Troubleshooting

    • Breaks in a string were ignored in FormattedText. The function $.formattedText.fromText("Oben\nUnten"), which converts Text to FormattedText , now ensures that breaks are still retained in FormattedText.

    • JavaScript: A call to a function that can optionally be given parameters was still invalid without parameters.

    • Depending on the HTML in the FormattedText translation, the Word file was then incorrect.

    • Word: in HTML, the nesting of underline, italic and bold was not recognized correctly.

    • PowerPoint: in HTML, nesting, e.g. of italics and bold, was not converted correctly.

    • The attributes of shared profiles (AdditionalProfiles) could not be used in fields.

    • Control elements of type SdtContent in continuous text are now supported.

  • FIXED Steuerelemente vom Typ SdtContent im Fliesstext werden nun unterstützt.


  • NEW Shared profiles (AddionalProfiles) are now also available in primedocs basic. This means that the user can now generate a document in the name of another person via the app.

  • NEW The signature profiles are now displayed under "Additional profiles" in the profile settings.

  • FIXED Forms: Unfilled mandatory fields were still invalid despite being filled in, which is why documents could not be generated.

  • FIXED The UI of the Windows update page ignored that an update was available. This has been fixed.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED Different UI languages were used for the template statistics and the template data. Now both files are in the standard UI language.

  • FIXED The package export threw an error when navigating/exporting snippets.

Empfängerdialog (classic)

  • FIXED The attribute SalutationOnSeparateLine now also works when manually entering a recipient.


  • NEW If primedocs is installed on a machine and "OneOffixx" is searched for in the Windows Start menu, primedocs will now also be found.


  • FIXED If organizational units were permanently deleted from the dashboard, they would reappear. This has now been fixed.

  • FIXED The Windows client download was pointing to the wrong path. Therefore, the clients could not be downloaded.


  • FIXED The HttpSync threw an error when the synchronization was already running.

4.0.20082.0 (2023-10-24)


  • FIXED AssetGallery: File extensions are now also allowed in upper case; ".PNG" now works.

  • FIXED Editing a global translation entry of type Formatted Text became very slow for longer content. This has been corrected.

  • FIXED The user experience to the “Search signature profiles” dialog has been improved as the window could move to the background.

  • FIXED In the “Select Organizational Unit” dialog, all organizational units were displayed twice.

  • FIXED In all XML editors, if the editor was zoomed in other than 100%, an input of "0" incorrectly reset the zoom level. This has been fixed.

  • FIXED French translations have been improved.

  • FIXED Deleting a layout when other editor windows were open caused the application to crash.

  • FIXED AddIn: The message that an update is available is now no longer displayed in the client in a terminal server environment.

  • FIXED Forms: If an Object/ObjectCollection was in a Group, there were problems when generating the document.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED The irrevocable deletion of organization fields (hard deletion) threw an exception if there were fields based on this field containing binary data.

  • FIXED The migration step 20230831090235_AddVarcharListTableType could cause errors.

  • FIXED Package import: Template groups are now not sorted differently after import than in the source.

Document Engine

  • FIXED There were various bug fixes in the Global Configurations.

  • NEW FormattedText: The feature has been extended. FormattedText is now supported as a parameter as well as handlebars ({{object}}), parameters are validated and illegal HTML characters are automatically corrected.

  • NEW Fields: In JavaScript, the correct use of API objects under "$" is now ensured.

  • NEW Global configurations are now also possible in primedocs templates for all document functions: Forms, Fields, Placeholder Assignment, Placeholder Definition.

  • FIXED Forms: The use of the Info element caused an error during generation.


  • NEW The OnPrem version now ships with the correct files, so client download can be easily enabled via primedocs.config.

  • NEW Client installers can now also be found in the App and downloaded there. Previously, the packages were only available in the Dashboard.


  • FIXED Performance improvements have been implemented when starting the primedocs client from the add-in.

  • NEW List styles are now supported in the WordContent. In addition, an error was corrected in which a WordContent could not be created if a list style was in the document.

  • FIXED When clicking checkboxes, an error message occurred in Word.


  • FIXED When selecting the "CommonAddins" all sub-features (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) are now automatically activated. However, each feature must be specified explicitly via the AddLocal MSIEXEC call. The documentation was also adjusted.


  • FIXED The "App" application can now handle the webProxy element and the bypassOnLocal setting.

  • FIXED When searching for users to add them, the whole Active Directory is no longer searched.

  • FIXED Dashboard: When searching for a user to add manually via Dashboard, the search also returned computers. This has been corrected.

4.0.20071.0 (2023-09-29)

Client / AddIn

  • FIXED The creation of snippets with invalid FormattedText.elements led to an "exception" in the log.

  • FIXED When inserting a snippet via double-click or drag 'n' drop into a document, an additional empty paragraph was inserted. This has been fixed.

  • FIXED An exception file is now no longer saved under "C:\".

  • FIXED The client can now better handle opening the same window several times.

  • NEW Forms: The document function now offers the creation of one Forms element depending on another with ElementsIf. This is offered in YesNo & Choice and is currently only supported in primedocs pro.

Admin Dashboard

  • NEW User Onboarding: Multiple users can now be created by entering their SID via Security → New User; Create button → Bulk User Setup.

  • FIXED More logging is now done during a SID migration.

  • FIXED When importing a database, there was sometimes an error due to snippet migrations.


  • NEW The profile picture is now displayed in the top right corner of the app.

  • NEW Forms: Creating one Forms element to depend on another is currently being tested for implementation in the app.

  • FIXED UI: When generating a document whose Forms contains an object, the "Delete" button was not displayed in the intended section.


  • FIXED There was an error when adding permissions in the client under Settings → Permissions. This has been fixed.

  • NEW On the https://meineServiceURL/service web page, the entire server URL is now displayed in a text field.

Document Engine

  • FIXED Regarding Forms elements depending on each other, there was a bug with Objects and Collections.

  • FIXED The Slide Layout is now also available in the Master Template.

  • FIXED An exception was thrown in the document if a field contained unexpected values.

  • FIXED Placeholder definition: The placeholders placed in the layout were incorrectly PlainText and not RichText. This caused errors in the content with FormattedText.

  • NEW WordContent snippets can now be equipped with SnippetPlaceholder so that the WordContents can attract Fields or Forms.

  • [!] WordContent and FormattedText snippets can now only be stored in Template Snippets.

4.0.20063.0 (2023-09-13)

  • The changes of OneOffixx version 3.8.10150 have been implemented in primedocs.

Document Engine

  • FIXED An individual table row height is now supported in a WordContent snippet.

  • NEW There is now a new text module type "Word Open XML" text modules. This type is similar in principle to the conventional text modules and is used to compose a generated document dynamically, according to selections in Forms.

  • NEW Using WordContent snippet via Fields has been implemented.

  • NEW The DefaultDocumentLanguage attribute is now used in the Java Script Field Engine in the SnippetsObject.

  • NEW There is now a new snippet type called "FormattedText". This way, a global translation of the type "Formatted Text" can be created and used in Fields. HTML can be used to format a text accordingly (e.g., bold). On the other hand, an already formatted text can be created in the open document like an ordinary snippet and then referenced in the fields. This snippet type is mainly used for short texts. The corresponding documentation follows.


  • FIXED The client crashed when the client tried to add a template to the "recently used templates".

  • FIXED Foreign templates (e.g. imported PDF) could no longer be created.

  • FIXED In the client UI, the icon showing the connection status was changed.

  • FIXED The word read by the screen reader to go back to the client from the primedocs menu was changed to improve accessibility.

  • FIXED TemplatePicker now displays thumbnails in the specific language.

  • NEW Word: When creating text modules, the dialog now displays more information for choosing the correct text module type.

  • FIXED Word, Snippet groups: in the Snippet properties, the text field "Keyword search" was not saved and synchronized. This has been fixed.


  • NEW Word, PowerPoint & Excel ribbon position can now be determined via AddinCommonWordRibbonPosition, AddinCommonPowerPointRibbonPosition as well as AddinCommonExcelRibbonPosition.

  • FIXED Unexpected/invalid values in Word document cause client to crash.

  • FIXED SendEmail: In a signature, the profile and document language were incorrectly tightened.

  • FIXED There were errors when creating comments in Word documents.

  • FIXED WordContent snippets were extended by tables.


  • FIXED The button to upload a profile picture had too small a clickable area for its size.

  • FIXED OpenAI Integration:

    • Look & feel adjustments were made for the "Stop generating" option.

    • Outlook's prefix space is ignored due to a Microsoft issue.

    • Query generation did not work in PowerPoint Online.

  • FIXED In case of a validation error, the "Create" button for generating a document is now inactive.


  • FIXED The template type "External document" was not visible in the client.

  • FIXED An entry larger than 30MB was not possible in Kestrel operation. This has been resolved.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED User Onboarding: If a user was created via Dashboard, the automatic assignment of the organizational unit was not done.

  • FIXED The value 0 in ClientSyncMaxDelayAfterStart caused client crash. This value can no longer be set this way in the dashboard and the client validates as well.

  • FIXED Snippets: The UI was fixed because a white ID was hiding the snippet name.


  • FIXED The Identity Server remained in a failed state during startup when the database server was missing.


  • FIXED The option LazyLoadingCache was missing in ADMX. Therefore, new ADMX primedocs templates were added in the docs.

4.0.20053.0 (2023-08-22)


  • FIXED Manually changed data fields at the profile were reset when there was a change of organisation.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED Save User Data in the SID-Migrator resulted in an error when anything was adjusted among the user fields


  • FIXED When hovering the mouse over "Upload image", no effect was visible.

  • FIXED The focus at "Reset to default" and "Remove image" was not visible when moving the mouse over it.

4.0.20052.0 (2023-08-17)


  • FIXED Language correction FR and IT: If the template name of a template is not defined in the main UI language, the placeholder "[template name not defined]" now appears instead of "[template name not translated]".

  • FIXED Export image using arrow key was not available and has now been fixed.

  • FIXED Template editor: Language check boxes could not be selected and deselected via keyboard.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED Word-style usage evaluation: The Excel formula was supplemented for German Excel.

  • FIXED 20230421105231_ProfileShareCleanup was deleting permissions for the signature image, which has now been corrected.

4.0.20051.0 (2023-08-11)


  • NEW With the Lazy Loading Cache feature, snippet and template data can only be loaded when they are used. To activate this, the following switch can be set via the registry or the settings:

    <appSettings> ... <add key="UseLazyLoadingCache" value="true" /> </appSettings>


  • FIXED In the global settings, when editing the configuration of a document function, the selection of an attribute with the integrated XML help crashed.

  • FIXED Global configurations: Entries of the type "Text"/"FormattedText" can now only be created in the global translations.

  • FIXED The accessibility has been improved.

  • FIXED The email accounts set in the signature document function are now filtered better.

  • FIXED If the user was offline, the document generation failed.

  • FIXED If Forms consists of a DataProvider, the Simple View now shows that DataProviders can only be edited in the expanded view.

  • FIXED When logging in with the client for the first time, the message "primedocs cannot be used [...]" was displayed incorrectly, although there was no error.

  • FIXED If the template name of a template is not defined in the main UI language, the placeholder "[Template name not defined]" now appears instead of "[Template name not translated]".

  • FIXED AddIn: An "Object" could no longer be removed via the properties dialogue in the primedocs ribbon.

  • FIXED AddIn: Excel: The button "Convert design" no longer leads to an error.

Document Engine

  • FIXED Fields, JavaScript: The validation of fields used in JavaScript has been improved.

  • FIXED Fields: An object that is not set is now defined as null.

  • FIXED If a picture content control was not inserted in Word in a Word layout, primedocs prevented document generation.

Admin Dashboard

  • FIXED The organisation fields Org.Theme.Color and Org.Theme.Font caused errors when saving any new field in Row 0.

  • FIXED The SID-Migrator could no longer be accessed

  • FIXED Smuggler import: If the migration status in the package was different from the one in the database, the import failed.

  • FIXED The execution of hashing blobs no longer worked.

  • FIXED In the explanation text of the new Style Usage (Word Style Usage), an explanation text has been improved.

  • FIXED An old migration step "2018121400003_LibraryItems2Snippets" has been fixed.

Health Monitor

  • FIXED The Health Monitor for customers with an OnPrem installation but Cloud Authentication now no longer shows an error for 401.


  • FIXED The app now supports single objects.

  • FIXED The scaling of the signature image has been improved.

  • NEW Profile pictures and signatures can now be managed in the app.

  • FIXED The accessibility of DatePicker has been improved.

  • FIXED DataProviders: YesNo fields could not be deactivated (set to false).

AddressService / DataService

  • FIXED The mapping in the DataProviders regarding Boolean expressions has been improved.

4.0.20045.0 (2023-08-02)


  • FIXED If there was no cache and the server was unreachable, the client crashed.

  • FIXED The client ran on 64-bit machines in 32-bit mode as well and, thus, crashed when memory usage was too high. Now it runs in 64-bit mode.

  • FIXED When the user was offline, document generation failed.

  • FIXED Depending on the Forms configuration, clicking on the Simple View in Forms triggered a crash.

  • FIXED PowerPoint Add-in: If a presentation contained Forms fields with the OnlyVisibleDuringGeneration attribute enabled and the presentation overwrote the fields, their content was reset to the initial field value instead of leaving the text with the user changed value.

  • FIXED Excel Add-in: The design conversion feature in Excel caused a crash. This has been fixed for empty sheets.


  • FIXED Email from IN:ERP caused primedocs not to work properly. This was fixed.

WebApi - CMI Integration:

  • FIXED The CMI integration now also runs via the ClientId and the ClientSecret.


  • FIXED OpenXML snippets could no longer be synchronized.

  • FIXED For snippets with small size, the last character was truncated.


  • FIXED Due to a dependency the "ConvertToPdf" had to be updated. A license key had to be deposited as well.

  • FIXED Merging of subtemplates caused errors.

  • FIXED The SnippetAccessChecker could cause a crash.


  • FIXED In the app, the entered Forms values were not transferred to the document.

  • FIXED In the Forms date picker accessibility improvements were made.

  • FIXED DataProvider:

    • On "Enter" in the data provider, the search was initialized instead of the document generation.

    • The display shown when hovering over a search result was corrected.

    • In the window, entries were truncated and scrolling was not working properly.


  • FIXED Document generation failed.

  • NEW FormattedText can now also be used in Word. In addition, FormattedText snippets can now be mapped and be fetched using a Field JavaScript call in the template:

<FieldsConfiguration> <Fields> <FormattedText Name="Test"> <Code> function main() { return $.snippets.getFormattedText("MyFormattedText"); } </Code> </FormattedText> </Fields> </FieldsConfiguration>

The Key can be set on the snippet itself. This is an alpha version on the subject of snippets in primedocs templates. The editor that allows the creation of snippets and the subsequent saving as FormattedText is currently still very basic.

  • FIXED In the new document functions, content controls that did not have the "Allow carriage returns (multiple paragraphs)" option enabled were used. This resulted in line breaks not being displayed in scripts.


  • NEW There is now a new Outlook addin based on the web app. This also provides access to primedocs AI.

  • NEW In the primedocs.config you can now configure the Outlook AddIn using outlookAddin.

primedocs AI Preview:

  • NEW It is now possible to configure predefined queries in the primedocs.config.

  • FIXED The response generated by primedocs AI was truncated after about 2'000 characters.

Admin Dashboard:

  • NEW There is a new button "Style Usage" in the templates tab to download an evaluation of the Word style usage in text modules and templates as an Excel file.

  • FIXED The migration step 20230424141057_RemovePermissions caused errors.


  • FIXED When customizing user or organization fields, synchronization did not always work.

4.0.20031.0 (2023-06-27)


  • FIXED Word Add-In: for Classic templates, the buttons for "Indent text"/"Indent text" no longer worked for text with standard formatting.

  • NEW The Help button in the top right corner of the client as well as in the Word Add-In now leads to

  • FIXED In the template editor, deleting the name of the template in the default UI language caused a crash.

  • FIXED In Forms, the "Encrypt" button for encrypting texts was missing in the toolbar.

  • FIXED The Global Configurations could no longer be loaded: if they were opened via button, only the loading indicator was displayed.


  • FIXED If a profile was not assigned to an organizational unit, a link to that profile led to an error page.

  • FIXED When hovering over the preview image, it was not adjusted.

  • FIXED UI: The DatePicker icon that is displayed when selecting a date in Forms got a different color.

  • FIXED The checkbox to set the default profile is now only displayed for profiles that are not the default profile.

  • FIXED In Profile Settings, the button to delete a profile is now disabled once the user has only one profile.

  • NEW CMI Integration

    • CMI can now automate your document workflow via Connect.

      • The login has been improved.

      • The confirmation message from Connect to CMI is passed as an object.

      • The app now displays error messages accordingly if there is a misconfiguration.

      • If creating a document via CMI fails, an appropriate error message is displayed.

      • The button for uploading the document generated via WebApp is called "Upload".

      • Fixed an error that occurred immediately after logging in.

    • NEW A first prototype was created for an Outlook integration for Connect templates.


  • NEW For formatting shapes based on HTML, FormattedText has been introduced in PowerPoint.

  • FIXED In Fields, there are no longer Collections and ObjectFields.

  • FIXED In e-mail templates for Connect, telephone links can now be embedded (<a href="tel:+41311234567"...>).


  • NEW Objects in Forms now also work in the app.

  • NEW The new data interface SqlDataProvider, allows accessing any configurable SQL databases to bring data into a document.

  • NEW Summary in Forms can be used to define exactly which fields of a data interface are to be displayed in the dialog.

    • For a Summary field, you can use the Id define which text should be displayed for an Object.

    • In the Summary configuration, the XML structure has been adapted.

    • When clicking on the "Details" button, an error occurred.

    • Boolean values from an Excel as data source were not recognized if the initial letter was capitalized (“True"/"False"). This is now taken into account and works now as well.

    • The resizing behavior of the Forms dialog has been improved.

Dashboard Apps

  • FIXED There was an error when importing dynamic groups.

Document Engine

  • FIXED In the Fields and Placeholder Mapping document functions, the element names have been unified: now there are only Picture as well as YesNo and no longer "Image" or "Boolean".
    This is a breaking change, which is why templates may have to be adjusted after the client update, otherwise they can no longer be opened by users.


  • NEW When a user opens primedocs for the first time, primedocs now goes through a defined Onboarding process to automatically assign the user to the correct organizational unit.

  • NEW User synchronization can now also be configured via SQL.

  • FIXED When renaming a field in the dashboard, this only arrived in the respective client after resetting the cache. This now works again.

  • FIXED The option to set an outdated configuration for user synchronization has now been removed.

  • FIXED If the client had been abruptly terminated, an error message was triggered on the server. This has been corrected.

  • FIXED A migration step caused template permissions to be deleted. This has been corrected in this release.

  • FIXED During the OneDrive/SharePoint/Teams integration, problems occurred with an IdS server.

  • FIXED A new package Microsoft.Data.SqlClient was implemented to detect invalid ConnectionStrings.


  • FIXED The ShowProviderLayout attribute could no longer be mapped to via default contact mapping.


  • FIXED The path to the JobHost now also supports spaces.

4.0.20020.0 (2023-05-30)


  • NEW The client backend was significantly improved in terms of color contrasts.

  • FIXED The DataProvider could not be reached because the URL had been composed incorrectly.

  • NEW The new DataProvider can now also be used in Forms in the client.

  • FIXED If no elements were configured, Forms displayed an error.


  • There was an error when trying to generate documents via the addin.

  • NEW In the primedocs app, access from CMI is now also possible.

  • FIXED In the "Delete Proile" dialog, the text colors of the description were not correct in dark mode.

  • FIXED Accessibility: The date selection could no longer be exited via tabulator, despite the disappearance of the dialog.

  • NEW The new DataProvider can now also be used in Forms of the app.

  • FIXED Even if there was only one profile, the UI showed a dropdown, just with one entry.

Addins (Word/PowerPoint/Excel)

  • NEW PowerPoint: The dropdown for selecting the document language is now always available.

  • FIXED PowerPoint: When clicking on a slide, sometimes an error message "Selecting is locked for the requested shapes" appeared and primedocs crashed.

  • NEW PowerPoint: Design conversion of non CI/CD compliant presentations has been improved.


  • FIXED The release of technical information was prevented.

Dashboard Apps

  • NEW DataSourceAdminApp: In the profile sharing feature, where you can share all profiles with all users, this is now also set automatically for newly created profiles.

  • FIXED DataSourceAdminApp: When editing a field it was not possible to change the row.

  • NEW HealthMonitor: A template can now no longer have incorrect permissions.

  • FIXED HealthMonitor: In an OnPremises installation with IdS the HealthMonitor showed a 401 error.



  • FIXED The "Inherit from parent" function no longer worked.

  • FIXED For organizational units containing scheduled fields, editing profiles attached to these organizational units failed.

Document Engine

  • NEW It is now possible to create e-mails via Connect. I.e. Connect now also works with the template type "E-Mail".

  • FIXED In the XML configuration of a SlideLayout, the attribute "DisplayName" has now been added.

  • NEW ObjectCollections are now supported.


  • NEW There is now a new HTTP provider that can be used to integrate address data via an HTTP interface.

  • NEW New templates can now fetch recipient data using the new DataProvider.

  • FIXED There was a bug with Oracle databases.

  • FIXED The AddressService does not work with HTTP.


  • NEW The Sub-AddIns (Word/PowerPoint/Excel) can now also be deactivated individually.

  • FIXED A space at the end of the ServiceUrl leads to an incorrect synchronization.

  • FIXED The ServiceUrl did not work by means of adjustment via Programs and Features.

  • FIXED "Encrypt=false" was added to the example.


PrimeSoft AG, Bahnhofstrasse 4, 8360 Eschlikon, Switzerland