Tags and TemplatePicker

Tags and TemplatePicker

Instead of the id of the template to be opened, filter criteria can also be specified in the connect using tags:

<OneOffixxConnectBatch xmlns="http://schema.oneoffixx.com/OneOffixxConnectBatch/1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Entries> <OneOffixxConnect> <Arguments> <TemplateFilter> <Tag>Tag1</Tag> <Tag>Tag2;Tag3;Tag4</Tag> </TemplateFilter> </Arguments> <Commands> <Command Name="DefaultProcess"> <Parameters> <Add Key="Start">true</Add> </Parameters> </Command> </Commands> </OneOffixxConnect> </Entries> </OneOffixxConnectBatch>

AND links are defined within a tag element separated by semicolons, OR links are defined by multiple tag elements. The example above shows all templates marked with Tag1 or Tag2, Tag3 and Tag4. If there are multiple templates that match the filter criteria, a selection dialog opens; the template picker.

Here the user can select the desired template:


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