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Benutzerdaten im User data in Azure Active Directory können über die MicrosoftGraphSyncSource gelesen werden.Folgende Eigenschaften werden von Microsoft Graph bereitgestelltcan be read via the MicrosoftGraphSyncSource. The following properties are provided by Microsoft Graph:

  • id

  • faxNumber

  • employeeId

  • userPrincipalName

  • aboutMe

  • city

  • companyName

  • country

  • department

  • displayName

  • givenName

  • jobTitle

  • mail

  • mailNickname

  • mobilePhone

  • mySite

  • officeLocation

  • postalCode

  • preferredLanguage

  • preferredName

  • state

  • streetAddress

  • surname

  • userType

  • accountEnabled

  • birthday: Wenn vorhanden, wird das Datum als ISO 8601 Datum zurückgegebenIf present, the date is returned as ISO 8601 date.

  • businessPhone: Im Microsoft Graph können mehrere Telefonnummern unter der Eigenschaft businessPhones abgelegt werden. Um ein einfaches Mapping zu ermöglichen, wird die erste Telefonnummer als businessPhone bereitgestelltIn Microsoft Graph, multiple phone numbers can be stored under the businessPhones property. To allow easy mapping, the first phone number is provided as businessPhone.

  • onPremisesExtensionAttribute1 - onPremisesExtensionAttribute15: Um ein einfacheres Mapping zu ermöglichen, werden die To allow easier mapping, the 15 onPremisesExtensionAttributes als direkte Eigenschaften are provided as direct properties (onPremisesExtensionAttribute1 etc.) bereitgestellt.

  • photo: Das Benutzerbild wird als photo bereitgestellt.

Eine Beschreibung der Microsoft Graph Eigenschaften finden Sie in der Dokumentation von Microsoft.


  • The user image is provided as photo.

For a description of Microsoft Graph properties, see the Microsoft documentation.



Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<MicrosoftGraphSyncSource name="AzureAD" queryKey="OneOffixxIdentifier">
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="preferredName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="displayName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="givenName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="surname" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mail" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mySite" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="businessPhone" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="streetAddress" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="postalCode" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="country" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="city" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mobilePhone" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="department" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="companyName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="userPrincipalName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="state" />
			<Claim type="" property="photo" />



Die MicrosoftGraphSyncSource unterstützt das Mapping FormatThe MicrosoftGraphSyncSource supports the following mapping format:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<MicrosoftGraphSyncSource name="AzureAD" queryKey="OneOffixxIdentifier">
			    <Map Source="displayName" Target="PropertyX" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="preferredName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="displayName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="givenName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="surname" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mail" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mySite" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="businessPhone" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="streetAddress" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="postalCode" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="country" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="city" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="mobilePhone" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="department" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="companyName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="userPrincipalName" />
            <Claim type="" ignoreClaimIfEmpty="true" property="state" />
			<Claim type="" property="photo" />

Als Target wird ein Wert angegeben, der mit dem Property-Parameter eines Claims korrelieren muss. Details und Konfigurationsbeispiele können hier gefunden werdenThe target is a value that must correlate with the property parameter of a claim. Details and configuration examples can be found here: Mapping.