Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Specified and updated images


Table of Contents


Are you a template and then click on Edit template.


This will take you to the Edit template panel. Let’s look at what options you have here.

First of all. let’s look at the publication status:


Any template can have one of the following status stages:

  • in progress: This means thatthe template is being worked on and is not currently visible to regular users.

  • in test: This template is finished and just needs checking before being released to users.

  • Released: Template is published an visible to those users which have the rights to see it.

Moving from left to right across the ribbon: we have Save and Discard, which are self-explanatory. Then we have Permissions, which control who is able to see the template. If you make no changes here, the template will be visible to all users who can log in to your primedocs pro system. If you choose to restrict visibility, click on Permissions.


Here you can search for an Active Directory (AD) group or individual user. In this example, lets search for an individual user “Schwarz”.


Once found, mark the user and press OK.


Now you can choose which rights the new user has (or user group, had you searched for one and added it here). You can assign Use and Change rights. Use means that they can use (and see) that template. Change means that they have the rights to edit the template. But of course this requires them to have Admin or Layouter rights. A regular user won’t be able to edit a template, even if she has the Change rights here. And don’t forget to remove the “Authenticated User” group, if you want to limit access to just the new user(s).

Moving on across the ribbon, the next button is gthe Editor button. Here you can choose to open the template in edit mode. Note that if you have multiüle language versions of the template, you need to choose which language version you want to edit here.


The template will now open in Word.


The Word document may look a little odd, as what you are seeing here are the document parameter and other placeholder fields, which would normally be replaced with content - but more about that later. This is where you will be going to be when you add new fields (parameters, etc.) to your template. How, you ask?


Notice the two buttons at the far right of the primedocs ribbon. This is where you can add a field into the template at the current cursor position with the Bind field button.


The list of available fields is quite long so don’t forget to scroll.

The other button (Developer tools) opens config files that you can also access directly, so you can make a quick change here.

Returning to the ribbon, the next button is Test document, which simply opens the document normally, as if you had double-clicked as a regular user on thbe template in primedocs pro. This is how you test the document as you develop it.

Then we have Create new Version, which allows you to cteate a version of this template that is frozen, in case you want to try something out and need to be able to return back to the current status if it doesn’t work outadministrator and would like to edit a template or create a new template? Learn the basics of templating in this article.

If you are not yet familiar with the template editor, find out more here:

Open template in editor

To edit a template in the corresponding Office application (e.g. Word), select the Editor button in the template editor or use Ctrl+E.


First make sure you know where exactly you need to make a change. In the header or in the content? Open the correct template in the template hierarchy.

In this example, the Letter template is being edited using a content template. If you have several language versions of the template, first select which language version you want to edit.


The template is now opened in the respective Office application, in this example Word.

In the template editor The Properties, Profile and Document language buttons are deactivated.

In the editor


Edit content

(1) As we are editing a content template in this example, you can completely ignore the headers and footers when editing - these are already defined in the layout. Read more about the template hierarchy here:

All entries in square brackets, e.g. [Salutation], are primedocs fields. If you click on the [Salutation] field, you will see Salutation (Field, unmapped). This means that it is a primedocs field that was not defined in the Placeholder Mapping document function, but is a field that comes directly from the Fields document function.

Templating group

(2) The “Templating“ group offers primedocs' own tools to dynamize the template. The following buttons are available:

Bind field

The pop-up window that opens allows you to select profile fields and fields that have been configured in the Fields document function.

Insert snippet placeholder

A snippet placeholder can be filled with one of the two text module types in the Fields document function: WordContent or FormattedText. In most cases, you will insert WordContents in the suitable place.

Insert placeholder

The placeholder is the container for inserting dynamized content into the header or footer of a layout template. Dynamized content can be profile fields or a field defined in the Fields document function, for example.

This button is deactivated in this example because we are in a content template and not in a layout template.

Developer tools

The developer tools help to track and check fields as well as content in generated documents. They display the entire template as XML.


Test document

Once you have edited the template, you want to check whether your changes are correct in a generated document.

Return to the template editor and click on “Test document” or use Ctrl+T. Now fill in all the parameters as if you were a user. The document will then be generated in test mode.

Template editing group


The advantage of testing a document is that the template editing group is then available to you in the open Word document, with the following options:

Generate preview

A "snapshot" is taken of the document at that moment and set as a preview image for this template.

Generate multilingual previews

Generate a preview image depending on the document language.

Developer tools (Test)

See the following explanation: Developer tools.


When you have finished editing templates, switch the Administration view off again. This way, the signatures and campaigns that are actually released to you as a user are drawn in Outlook correctly.